Ulf Stegemann <ulf-n...@zeitform.de> writes:

> Hi Bernt,

Hi Ulf!

> Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> wrote:
>> ...
>> ** Some Task...
>> ** Another task...
>> ...
>> and I want to add detail at the end of 'Some Task'.  What I used to do
>> was just put the point at the beginning of the line for ** Another Task
>> and then hit RETURN to insert a blank line and move up to it to add
>> detail.
> just as a side note: wouldn't it be better to use C-o (`open-line')
> instead of RET (`newline')?  This would leave the cursor probably where
> you want it to be without the need for an additional C-p.

Yes it probably would - I wasn't aware of that :)  Thanks.


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