Copied from my last response to a similarly vague question: #+begin_quote Greetings,
To help anyone with much effectiveness, background information is critical. I'm guessing you're referring to Mobile Org (not Org Mobile) and infer you might be using the iPhone version (since your address is icloud). Other than that... we're completely in the dark. What was your syncing backend (dropbox, ssh, other)? What settings did you apply per the instructions? [1] Did you even follow the instructions? At what stage, specifically, did you get said message? More details from you = better help from us. John [1] #+end_quote You're free to continue sending one line emails to the list, but I promise we can't help you without more details. Mobile Org for iPhone (still unclear if you're using that version or Android, though icloud and now OSX suggest iPhone) allows for dropbox and webdav sync. So the answer with current minimal knowledge is "maybe?" What are installation files? *If* you select Dropbox as your sync backend then it is used as an online repository for a local Org-mode installation (on computer) to sync between a mobile device (such as an iPhone). So... typically .org files would be visible in the Dropbox directory you selected. I don't know what you did, what you think should happen, what you actually see... so I can't help. John On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 5:25 PM, Matthew Pritchard <> wrote: > If I have installation correct should their be installation files visible in > my dropbox directory?