On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Cameron Horsburgh wrote:
>> >> M-x load-file RET <enter-path-to-.emacs> RET
>> >
>> > Will that unload variables that were previously loaded? I can see this
>> > being an issue, for example, if you've undeclared a variable in .emacs
>> > in order to return to a default value.
>> Yes, this will reset any variables that you might have changed in the
>> session back to the values still defined in .emacs.
> Sorry, I wasn't clear. I'm thinking about unsetting variables you have
> in your .emacs to their default values. I just reboot Emacs, but if
> there were a quicker way to revert to a 'pristine' state then load
> .emacs it would be much easier.

I guess a lot depends on what "pristine" means here.

You could have multiple copies of .emacs to achieve various states, I
think but then you will need to define /all/ the variables to their
default values at least in some of those files explicitly so they can be
reset from whatever you have set them to.  A variable not set in .emacs
would stay at it's set value (whether set by another copy of .emacs or
manually.)  In reality I have never needed to so I may not even fully
understand your issue and if any of what I said made sense. :-/


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