Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> I'd hate to see Org removed from Emacs.  It took a lot of work to get it
> in, and I believe that the vast majority of Emacs users does not install
> packages.  For a newbie to get to Emacs and to be able to open a .org file
> is a big plus.  So my vote goes toward keeping it in.

I agree.  Even though I have compiled org from git at times, and have
been using emacs since version 16 or 17 in the late 80s (I am fuzzy on
dates), I have never actually learned the package system.  I also look
at org files using the built-in emacs on mac, and various other places.

So I think emacs should continue to have a stable version of org, but
also that it should be relatively easy to install and use a newer
version from a packaging system.

(It should also be easy to use org from git, but it is; it's just
prepending to load path and I've been doing that with no issues for

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