Hi org-mode list. At (info "(emacs) Echo Area"), 'M-x org-store-link' stores the link as:
[[info:emacs#Echo%20Area][info:emacs#Echo Area]] however org doesn't export it correctly, for example, the result of html export is: <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/emacs.html#Echo-Area"><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/emacs.html#Echo">emacs#Echo</a> Area</a> the correct result should be: <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/emacs.html#Echo-Area">emacs#Echo Area</a and the result of ASCII export is: [[info:emacs#Echo] Area] [[info:emacs#Echo] Area] info:emacs#Echo%20Area the correct result should be: [info:emacs#Echo Area] [info:emacs#Echo Area] info:emacs#Echo%20Area I tried to debug this by inserting (message "-> org-info-export: path: [%s] desc: [%s]" path desc) at the beginning of org-info-export, then export, it shows -> org-info-export: path: [emacs#Echo] desc: [nil] -> org-info-export: path: [emacs#Echo Area] desc: [[info:emacs#Echo] Area] [2 times] It looks like one info link is exported three times. BTW, I'm relative new to org-mode and the mailing list. I have some questions: 1) does org-mode have a bug track system? Before reporting a bug, I would like to make sure it's not already reported. 2) I notice that subjects of mails in the mailing list are all prefixed with "[O]", I guess it is for filtering. My question is: do I need to add "[O]" at the beginning of my subject manually? or is it added automatically? Thanks for your help. 徐春阳