hi everybody, I was playing with org-coderef-label-format to reference lines of code in blocks.
I created a small example that overrides the default value: #+BEGIN_SRC C++ :main no :flags -std=c++14 -Wall --pedantic -Werror :results output :exports both -r -l "//(ref:%s)" +n #include <iostream> int main() { //(ref:abc) std::cout << "Hello world" << std::endl; std::cout << "Hello world 2" << std::endl; //(ref:jump) return 0; } #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: #+begin_example Hello world Hello world 2 #+end_example In line [[(abc)]] we remember the current position. [[(jump)][Line (jump)]] jumps to point-min. This seem to work, except for one issue. the refs are exported to the HTML file: It only sports the label, not the reference name. See below. Note how //ref:(abc) in the source code was replaced with //(abc) <span id="coderef-abc" class="coderef-off">{ <span style="color: #8D8D84;">//</span> (abc)</span> Is this the expected behaviour? or am I doing something wrong? my version of org-mode is: 9.0.1 thank you! --daniel -- --dmg --- Daniel M. German http://turingmachine.org