On 12/04/2016 05:13 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Scott Randby <sran...@gmail.com> writes:
>> There is an interesting issue here. I sometimes want to use ~ in a code
>> snippet, so I can't use ~code snippet~. Yet,
> Indeed, this was discussed in this ML. We need some escape character in
> Org. A general escape character is a bit ambitious, and not necessarily
> useful, but we could introduce one specifically for verbatim and code
> markers, much like in macros and verbatim blocks, e.g.
>   ~some\~code\=with special\\ characters~
> There is a design decision involved: what character can be escaped? It
> could be anything, or limit to "~" for code and "=" for verbatim
> markers. For example macros limit escape-able characters to "," and "\".
> This makes the contents easier to read, but the rule is inconsistent.
> Thoughts?

I don't think I have a good enough technical understanding of the issue
to provide constructive thoughts. I've adapted to using Org markup when
it works and specifying literal LaTeX when necessary. I don't need to
specify literal LaTeX very often anyway.

>> I've wondered why \verb isn't exported correctly without specifying it
>> as literal LaTeX,
> It's because Org recognize LaTeX commands only if they are followed by
> a blank character, the end of buffer, or "{}", which is not the case
> with \verb@...@.

Now I understand. Thanks.


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