On 11/28/16, Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:
> It shows first repeat. I assume you tested that yesterday, so you got
> the repeat for today. Since the repeat didn't trigger "today" (which is
> actually yesterday), it also displays a reminder for the scheduled item
> there.

thanks for the explanation.  the idea is that org 9 is using the
previously scheduled section as a complete list and that it did not
trigger on the first day and did on the second, and show-all nil in
org 9 does not refer to the scheduled section but only to the repeater

> It is, per 1-year old commit (3072cb28e8627066f465f1a4af85da88135d0549).

i can't keep up with master, but probably commented on that thread.

> I think we need a new variable, or to change this one, to have both
> behaviours possible. Suggestions (and docstrings) are welcome, we can
> implement them in master branch.

the issues seem to be:

  1] 72x vs. 2x
  2] duplicate in previously scheduled vs. not

1 is critical as it affects sorting.  perhaps
org-agenda-repeater-previously-scheduled-counts?  values could include
'from-timestamp and 'from-previous-instance.
the latter is org 8.

2 is not critical.  i might be able to get used to having a complete
scheduled section.

[dunno if previously-scheduled is a clear name.  i call it "nokori"
from the japanese for "remaining" merely to be unambiguous [i don't
care if it's in sumerian as long as it's unambiguous] but i don't
suppose that would work for most people.]

i hope this can get into maint, but if not i hope i can at least carry
along a patch from master to maint if it is only fixed in master.
[i'd be concerned that a patch would invite merge conflicts pretty
frequently.  those tend to cause confusion and stress for me.]

by the way there is a bug in org 9 where org-scheduled face is
erroneously used instead of org-scheduled-previously.

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