Hi all,

I just discovered writing LaTeX through OrgMode. It's _really_ great!

Only missing thingy is just something like htmlize.el to hihglight code
syntax. Currently my codes look like this here:

\openbrace \variable{action}: \dqstring{newMap},
\doindent \variable{instance}:  INSTANZ\_NAME, \comment{/* Instanzname dieser 
VMap */}
\doindent \variable{x}: INT\_X, \comment{/* X-Wert in Pixeln der gewünschten 
Zoomstufe */}
\doindent \variable{y}: INT\_Y, \comment{/* Y-Wert in Pixeln der gewünschten 
Zoomstufe */}
\doindent \variable{z}: INT\_Z, \comment{/* Gewünschte Zoomstufe */}
\doindent \variable{rID}: AKTUELLES\_STANDARD\_HIGHLIGHT,
\doindent \variable{type}: TYPE \comment{/* Aktiver Hotel-Typ-Filter */}

In my headers I include my /home/sebastian/develop/lib/latex/code.tex
which does all the formating and stuff (uses the `ifthen' package for
the indentation stuff) and simply sets some faces and defines the
environment `codeblock'. I wonder if it wouldn't be easy to extend
htmlize.el to do this formating for me.

While this is nice to have, since I can use syntaxhighlighting in
headlines this way (document code), I found out about listings.el, which
seems to be part of the texlive distibution (at least I can `usepackage'
it here without extra installations).


It supports refs to linenumbers, supports lots of languages and so on.

With the listings package we could convert

#+begin_src emacs-lisp



Could something like this be in org-blocks.el or similar? We could then
export highlighted stuff to LaTeX and HTML from the same file.


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417
Http:  www.emma-stil.de

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