
I have a problem with tables and LaTeX export (PDF). I'm not shure if
this is because of my LaTeX headers, but I don't think so.

It seems that `=' is considered a column divider or something. Is there
an option I overlooked?

As soon as I add =fixed width= to a table, extra columns are created:

=> --->8----------------------------->8----------------------------->8---

  |            | Tabelle         | Inhalt       |
  | *Regionen* |                 |              |
  |            | =countries=     | Staaten      |
  |            | =zones=         | Bundesländer |
  |            | =territories=   | Erdteile     |
  | *Hotels*   |                 |              |
  |            | =hotel=         | Hotels       |
  |            | =geocache=      | GEO-Daten    |
  | *Produkte* |                 |              |
  |            | =produkt=       | Produkte     |
  |            | =produktoption= | Optionen     |

<= ---8<-----------------------------8<-----------------------------8<---

results in this tex file:

=> --->8----------------------------->8----------------------------->8---

                    &  Tabelle  &  Inhalt         &     &                \\
 \textbf{Regionen}  &           &                 &     &                \\
                    &  \verb    &  countries      &     &  Staaten       \\
                    &  \verb    &  zones          &     &  Bundesländer  \\
                    &  \verb    &  territories    &     &  Erdteile      \\
 \textbf{Hotels}    &           &                 &     &                \\
                    &  \verb    &  hotel          &     &  Hotels        \\
                    &  \verb    &  geocache       &     &  GEO-Daten     \\
 \textbf{Produkte}  &           &                 &     &                \\
                    &  \verb    &  produkt        &     &  Produkte      \\
                    &  \verb    &  produktoption  &     &  Optionen      \\

<= ---8<-----------------------------8<-----------------------------8<---

Note the extra Columns. Also, not the position of the headers (I
wouldn't have noticed this without those).

While this one works:

=> --->8----------------------------->8----------------------------->8---

  |            | Tabelle       | Inhalt       |
  | *Regionen* |               |              |
  |            | countries     | Staaten      |
  |            | zones         | Bundesländer |
  |            | territories   | Erdteile     |
  | *Hotels*   |               |              |
  |            | hotel         | Hotels       |
  |            | geocache      | GEO-Daten    |
  | *Produkte* |               |              |
  |            | produkt       | Produkte     |
  |            | produktoption | Optionen     |

<= ---8<-----------------------------8<-----------------------------8<---


Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417
Http:  www.emma-stil.de

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