>>>>> On Sun, 1 Feb 2009 20:38:21 +0100, Carsten Dominik 
>>>>> <domi...@science.uva.nl> said:

CD> I *could* do a different implementation, where the functions
CD> are always in the blocker hook, but are only active when the
CD> variables are set.  However, the problem is then that it is
CD> difficult to see from the outside if the hook is doing something,
CD> and I want to use that knowledge to avoid overhead in the
CD> agenda for people who do not use todo dependencies.

FYI, I'd actually suggest this approach.  I think the number of people
that will get confused by variable-and-loading-ordering will be far
greater than the number of people trying to figure out why the function
isn't doing anything (especially if in the function documentation it
says a variable must be set for it to perform any actions).

I too immediately tried the new TODO dependencies after the last release
announcement and couldn't get it to work...  Old habit of performing
'(require ...)' ahead of the variable settings.
"In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find."  -- Terry Pratchett

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