On Thursday, 13 Oct 2016 at 16:02, Nick Dokos wrote: [...]
> I have a single notes.org file (not an agenda file), where I do exactly what > Eric described and I have defined keys to get to it fast: no more "where did I As do I. I guess this is a key part of this use case: it must be easy to find those notes. My (abridged) capture template looks like this: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-capture-templates '( ("m" "Mail options") ("mt" "mailtodo" entry (file+datetree "~/s/notes/tasks.org") "* TODO %^{Task} : %:subject %^G\nSCHEDULED: %t\n- From :: %:from\n- Subject :: %:subject\n- Email :: %a\n\n%?" :kill-buffer t) ("mn" "mailnote" entry (file+headline "~/s/notes/notes.org" "general notes and tasks") "* %^{Title} : %:subject %^G\n- From :: %:from\n- Subject :: %:subject\n- Email :: %a\n\n%?\n\n%U") )) #+end_src Tag search etc. in org makes finding the notes relatively painless. As a bonus, the "mt" template is to allow me to get to INBOX 0 by making sure I don't leave emails lying around unread or ticked. If they need further processing, an appropriate TODO task is created which links back to the email. This task is scheduled for immediate action by default but obviously easily changed during the capture, very often by unscheduling but adding a deadline, for instance. -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.6-1184-g29830f