Hello To explain a small program, I've broken it down into small pieces. My org file looks something like
# ========================================================================= #+NAME MainClass #+BEGIN_SRC java :noweb tangle :tangle Test.java public class Test { <<secondBlock>> <<thirdBlock>> } #+END_SRC some text #+NAME secondBlock #+BEGIN_SRC java :noweb tangle int a, b; #+END_SRC and then #+NAME thirdBlock #+BEGIN_SRC java :noweb tangle a = 17; b = a / 2; #+END_SRC # ========================================================================= Org-babel-tangle give me exactly what I want. But, is it possible to have the "NAME" value displayed in the lstlisting parameters when I export the org document as pdf ? I've included the following lines in the beginning of my org file #+LaTeX_HEADER:\lstset{language=Java, #+LaTeX_HEADER: numbers=left, #+LaTeX_HEADER: basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily, #+LaTeX_HEADER: basicstyle=\ttfamily, #+LaTeX_HEADER: backgroundcolor=\color{LightYellow}, #+LaTeX_HEADER: stringstyle=\color{blue}, #+LaTeX_HEADER: frame=single, #+LaTeX_HEADER: columns=fullflexible, #+LaTeX_HEADER: numberstyle=\scriptsize\color{red}, #+LaTeX_HEADER: commentstyle=\color{ForestGreen}} The package listing provides a "title" or "caption" keyword, but I do not know how to pass the "NAME" argument. Can you please help me or give me a pointer ? Thank you in advance for your help.