Hi Org list, I'm trying to work with multiple .bib files and having trouble.
In my Org file, I have: #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:\addbibresource{Library.bib,local.bib} And this works. I can search for a string in reftex and both bibliographies are found. It does not seem to matter what =reftex-default-bibliography= is set to. But when I export to LaTeX, pdflatex (or latexmk) doesn't work, and complains: Biber error: [268] Utils.pm:165> ERROR - Cannot find 'Library.bib,local.bib'! Latexmk: Biber did't find bib file [Library.bib,local.bib] And the biber documentation states that you cannot use a comma separated list of bibliographies in an =\addbibresource= command. You should use multiple of those commands. However, if I use multiple of those commands, then Org only searches in the first bib file, not in both. While writing this email and testing things yet again, I think I've found a way to get this to work. But I'm pretty sure this is exploiting some bug, and not a recommended method. If I have the \addbibresource{a,b} commented out, Org (reftex?) uses this, but it is not exported. I then repeat it twice, breaking apart the comma, and those get exported. For example: # Note that the first line below is commented out # #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:\addbibresource{Library.bib,local.bib} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:\addbibresource{Library.bib} #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:\addbibresource{local.bib} Is this how others work with multiple bibliographies? Some other method? Thanks, -k.