Somehow, I woke up this morning to find that all my 'Customize'
settiings were missing from my .emacs (that ever happened to anyone?),
so these are just a few variables I've set up manually.

 '(org-hide-leading-stars t)
  ;; looks cleaner, best with lighter preceeding stars, so I can still
count levels

    set to a long value you don't want in your table.  Includes a few
custom headers for my thesis

I use org for writing and note-taking, and for any elaborate writing
project, I always set up both local TODO keywords and tags.

And don't forget that 'other' org customization variable:

(setq default-major-mode 'org-mode)
 ;might as well.  I came to emacs for org.

This thread is very helpful, particularly since I'm the newish
org-learner it's designed for.  Very good idea, Carsten.


(Ah, now I think that my Customizations problem had to do with an
.emacs that wasn't fully loaded, but to which I tried to save
customizations anyway, or which I edited in vim while I had it open in
emacs, or something silly like that.... Though I'm sure I didn't touch
the customization section itself.  I'll have to be more careful when I
get the config-file problem warning in the future).

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