I think this is the kind of thing you can use a filter for, or a
function in the org-export-before-processing-hook to change the paths
prior to export.

Arun Isaac writes:

>> Out of curiosity, what kind of link are you using, that is dependant
>> about context ?
> Actually, I don't need the context of the link in the org document. I
> need some properties defined in the plist of the component in
> org-publish-project-alist. So, I use the info communication channel to
> access these properties.
> I maintain a few websites with org mode. When I publish an image link
> with org, the exported HTML contains the full filesystem path of the
> image. The page wouldn't work if I published it on the web. My link type
> needs to know the path of the web server's docroot to remove that
> component from the full filesystem path. This path is defined in one of
> the properties in org-publish-project-alist, and I need the info
> communication channel to access it.

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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