now I can not remember if I sent this earlier.

I like the idea behind ob-ipython, hopefully where it might go as
ob-jupyter, which could make it able to run many other languages via the
jupyter project and it's kernels.

The last time I tried it, it only supported sessions, and I had to add
non-session support. I doubt it supported async running either.

Before any major effort went in to a new ob-python, it is probably worth
a serious look at what the jupyter project could offer. 

Greg Minshall writes:

> hi.  i recently got fed up with ob-python.el behavior w.r.t. :session
> handling (startup issues; blank lines [really, a python problem, imho,
> but a workaround maybe could work], and value scraping), looked, and saw
> this discussion from last December, but nothing since then.  has there
> been any progress, either by Ondřej or anyone else?  if my frustration
> level remains high enough, i might try to see if i can do anything.
> cheers, Greg Minshall

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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