I appreciate your help! It seems, the problem is a bit more difficult...

Before accessing this mailing list, I have already done some installations and updates (whole emacs, org mode packages etc.), but all to the same result. I get along with R, Latex, Pandoc etc., in console mode or GUI, yet I could solve all problems, even with mixed languages like German, Japanese, English and Korean. But emacs, after 10 days, still is opaque.

Now I tried another new installation of Emacs GUI on another Mac (both Macs run El Capitan, 10.12), but I get another strange behaviour with this unmodified version.

Now, I will explain the behaviour on my Macbook.

My test buffer (file, in org mode) looks like this:

* A test todo [/]
  [X] checkbox
  [ ] another checkbox

Two things I observe:

**1** As far as I understand, the counter in the headline should update with C-c C-c. Instead, I am asked to enter a tag, and this tag will then be set.

**2** When I try C-c C-c with the cursor on the checkbox line, it should change the state of the line and that of the counter -- if I understand correctly. But I get another message "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location."

When asking for the org-version (M-x org-version), I get the same answer like on my iMac:

Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/org/)

My file path looks a bit better on the new installation without org-mode update:

("/Library/Application Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp"
"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/site-lisp"

I hope that someone can guide me to a solution, otherwise Emacs looks inaccessible for me... :(


Am 14.08.16 um 11:17 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:
I'm not an expert, but instead of trying to adjust the initialization
files I'd re-install Org mode following the instructions here:


Maria Shinoto writes:

So should I delete the line


and leave the one on top




Am 14.08.16 um 10:35 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:
According to the web site, you should see the path to the latest
Org mode.  Yours points to the Org mode that ships with Emacs.  If
you've updated Org mode independently of Emacs, then Emacs isn't finding
the latest Org mode correctly.


Maria Shinoto writes:

and again...

I got the load-path variable with C-h v load-path RET, it looks like this:

load-path is a variable defined in `C source code'.
Its value is
"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org" "/Library/Application
Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp" "/Library/Application


   This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

List of directories to search for files to load.
Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (meaning
Initialized during startup as described in Info node `(elisp)Library

In my beloved BBEdit, I created this list:

"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/24.5/site-lisp"
"/Library/Application Support/Emacs/site-lisp"

So, another /org path is there. Could this be the problem, or anything else?

Looking forward to answers and getting to grips with emacs and org-mode,


Am 14.08.16 um 09:14 schrieb Maria Shinoto:
Aloha again,

now I checked as far as I could.

I get this response to "M-x org-version":

    Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @

This should be OK according to the FAQ.

Next step would be to go through the output of "list-load-path-shadows"
according to the FAQ. But: What is it, how can I get there, how can I
modify, what do I have to look for?

Thanks for any help,

Am 14.08.16 um 08:58 schrieb Thomas S. Dye:
Aloha Maria,

When I press Ctrl-h v and type org-planning-line-re <RET>, I get this:

| org-planning-line-re is a variable defined in `org.el'.
| Its value is "^[        ]*\\(\\(?:CLOSED\\|DEADLINE\\|SCHEDULED\\):\\)"
|   This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
| Documentation:
| Matches a line with planning info.
| Matched keyword is in group 1.

I'm not an expert, but I think your installation might be mixed, which
sometimes happens installing Org mode from ELPA.  See


Maria Shinoto writes:


Thanks a lot for your help、I tried the options, but CUA Keys were not
selected. There is nothing about CUA keys in my .emacs file either.

Now I put on the Debugger -- unfortunately, I do not know anything about

I set the cursor on a list item line with checkbox marked "X" and typed
C-c C-c, getting the typical message:

"Symbol's value as variable is void: org-planning-line-re"

This is the message I got in the Debugger, I hope this gives a hint to
my problem:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-planning-line-re)
  org-element--current-element(330 element planning nil)

    \n" beginning-of-line throw exit :parent re-search-backward
   :end outline-next-heading input-pending-p time-less-p current-time
interrupt org-element--current-element
:structure org-add-props plist-put org-element--cache-put plain-text eql
headline section inlinetask
plain-list item property-drawer node-property table table-row
:contents-end (plain-list table) ...] 9)

   [next restriction object-data completep objects parent
org-element--object-lex throw exit
:end get-text-property 0 plist-get nil :begin found :parent
org-add-props plist-put t
element property cache-limit pos object --dolist-tail-- value v] 6)
:begin get-text-property 0
plist-get throw exit :end :contents-begin :contents-end (32 9) (32 9)
plain-text property pos
last cend cbeg end org-element-object-restrictions restriction] 7)
org-element--affiliated-re org-element-parsed-keywords tag
org-complex-heading-regexp end org-comment-string ...] 7)
  call-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil nil)



PS I had to delete all byte-code in order to get the message sent.
Really feel like a beginner...

Am 13.08.16 um 19:45 schrieb Axel Kielhorn:
   >> Am 13.08.2016 um 09:41 schrieb Maria Shinoto <ma...@shinoto.de>:
   >> Message-ID:

   >> Hi,
   >> I am learning Org-mode and Emacs on a Mac, and got everything
   >> fine, except for the key combination C-c C-c.
   >> C-c C-c should update states in certain contexts, e.g. toggle the
state of a check box and the counter of tasks finished in the header of
such a check box list.
   >> In the Emacs UI for Mac (not Aquamac), this key combination
does not
   >> work, it is org mode version 8.2.10.
   >> It does work when I call emacs from the terminal though, where
org-mode version is 4.67c.
   >> Is there something wrong with the newer Org mode versions?
   > You probably have „Options | Use CUA Keys“ set in the GUI Version.
   > This maps C-C, C-X, C-V to copy, cut, paste.
   > Since the default is off (nil) you may have activated it somehow,
maybe an init.el you copied from somewhere?
   > I have the same Emacs you have and here everything ist fine.
   > Axel

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