Good evening, I'm tangling this example in a file named
--snip-- #+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle yes :noweb yes :shebang #!/bin/sh <<fullest-disk>> #+END_SRC * the mount point of the fullest disk :PROPERTIES: :noweb-ref: fullest-disk :END: ** query all mounted disks #+BEGIN_SRC sh df \ #+END_SRC ** strip the header row #+BEGIN_SRC sh |sed '1d' \ #+END_SRC ** sort by the percent full #+BEGIN_SRC sh |awk '{print $5 " " $6}'|sort -n |tail -1 \ #+END_SRC ** extract the mount point #+BEGIN_SRC sh |awk '{print $2}' #+END_SRC --snip-- with GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin15.4.0, NS apple-appkit-1404.46) and Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.5/share/emacs/24.5/lisp/org/) started like this open /Applications/ -n --args --no-init-file and when I run `org-babel-tangle' it create a file which contains the following --snip-- #!/bin/sh df \ |sed '1d' \ |awk '{print $5 " " $6}'|sort -n |tail -1 \ |awk '{print $2}' --snip-- I am trying to tangle the same file in the Git version of Org-Mode and get a different result. Here is how I started Emacs this time: open /Applications/ -n --args --quick --load ~/src/help/.org-mode-ecm.emacs.el Here are the contents of .org-mode-ecm.emacs.el right now --snip-- (setq load-prefer-newer t) (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/org-mode/lisp") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/src/org-mode/contrib/lisp") ;;(setq org-list-allow-alphabetical t) ;;(setq org-enforce-todo-checkbox-dependencies t) ;;(setq org-babel-noweb-wrap-start "«") ;;(setq org-babel-noweb-wrap-end "»") (require 'org) --snip-- The Org mode version is Org-mode version 8.3.5 (release_8.3.5-1032-g9798da-git @ /Users/gcr/src/org-mode/lisp/) When I tangle the file it's output to is --snip-- #!/bin/sh --snip-- I expected the contents of to be the same when I tangled it in Org 8.5 as in Org 8.2 but instead they were not. Do you know if what setting changed to cause this or if I am doing something incorrectly here what is the right approach? Sincerely, Grant Rettke