On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Carsten Dominik <domi...@science.uva.nl> wrote:
> list all the Org-related variables that you have customized,
> along with the values you used?

Here are my settings:

 org-directory                          (file-name-as-directory
                                         (cond ((at-work-p) "~/work/orgfiles")
                                               ((at-home-p) "~/u/orgfiles")
                                               (t           ".")))

 org-agenda-files                       (if (or (at-work-p) (at-home-p))
                                            (list org-directory))
 org-agenda-include-diary               t
 org-agenda-sorting-strategy            '((agenda       time-up
category-keep priority-down)
                                          (todo         priority-down
                                          (tags         category-keep
                                          (search       category-keep))
 org-agenda-start-on-weekday            (if (at-work-p) 1 nil) ; begin
week agenda on Monday if at work
 org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled       t
 org-annotate-file-storage-file         (concat user-emacs-directory
 org-attach-method                      'ln
 org-attach-auto-tag                    nil ; default is "ATTACH"
 org-completion-use-ido                 t
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function        'y-or-n-p
 org-default-notes-files                (concat org-directory "NOTES.org")
 org-hide-emphasis-markers              t
 org-id-method                          'uuidgen
 org-link-mailto-program                '(shell-command "rxvt +sb -e
mutt %a -s '%s'")
 org-log-done                           'note ; Record a note along
with the timestamp
 org-mairix-display-hook                'org-mairix-mutt-display-results
 org-mairix-mutt-display-command        "my_rxvt -title 'mairix
%search%' -e mutt -f ~/Mail/mfolder -e \"push <display-message>\" &"
 org-remember-templates                 `(("Todo"    ?t "* TODO
%^{Task}\n  - State \"TODO\"       %U \\\\\n    %?\n  %i\n    %a"
                                           ,(concat org-directory
"TODO.org")    "Tasks"    )
                                          ("Journal" ?j "* %U %?\n  %i\n  %a"
                                           ,(concat org-directory
"JOURNAL.org")            )
                                          ("Idea"    ?i "* %^{Title}\n
 %i\n  %a"
                                           ,(concat org-directory
"JOURNAL.org") "New Ideas"))
 org-return-follows-link                t
;org-reverse-note-order                 t ; Non-nil => Store new notes
at the beginning
 org-special-ctrl-a/e                   'reversed
 org-special-ctrl-k                     t
 org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes        '(0 15)
 org-todo-keywords                      '((sequence "TODO(t@)"
"STARTED(s!)" "WAITING(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d@/!)")
                      "|" "DEFERRED(D@/!)" "ABANDONED(A@/!)"))
 org-todo-keyword-faces                 '(("ABANDONED" . shadow)
                                          ("DEFERRED"  . shadow)
                                          ("STARTED"   . (:foreground
"Blue1" :weight bold)) ; org-agenda-date-weekend
                                          ("WAITING"   . (:foreground
"DarkGoldenrod" :underline t))) ; org-ellipsis
 org-use-fast-todo-selection            t
(when (at-work-p)
   org-publish-project-alist            '(("org"
   org-link-abbrev-alist                '(("bugzilla" .
                                          ("customer" .
                                          ("google"   .
                                         ;("mbox"     . "shell:rxvt
+sb -e mutt -f ") ; still asks for confirmation...
                                          ("mbox"     . "elisp:(mbox
\"%s\")") ; still asks for confirmation...
                                          ("rt"       .

And I wrote some comments

- org-directory :: Different directories for work & personal.
- org-agenda-include-diary :: I like to use %%diary-anniversary MM DD YYYY).
- org-agenda-sorting-strategy :: Change `todo' sort.  It drove me
     crazy that #A items could appear at the middle or bottom of list.
- org-agenda-start-on-weekday :: Different at work or home.
- org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled :: Keep global todo list less cluttered.
- org-annotate-file-storage-file :: I find org-annotate-file very useful.
- org-attach-method :: My first Unix didn't have symlinks....   :-/
- org-attach-auto-tag :: I don't like the default tag, but I think
     it's useful to see until you get used to how attachments work.
- org-completion-use-ido :: Ido has its quirks but is worth using.
- org-confirm-elisp-link-function :: I generally prefer y-or-n-p everywhere.
- org-default-notes-files :: I like my notes with my other org files.
- org-hide-emphasis-markers :: I got used to this from using Planner.
     Not for everyone.
- org-id-method :: I think this was from when uuidgen was not the
                   default, I probably don't need this any more.
- org-link-mailto-program :: I use `mutt'.
- org-log-done :: I like to be able to enter a note at every state
- org-mairix-display-hook :: For [[mairix:] ] links.
- org-mairix-mutt-display-command :: Mutt command when showing linked msg.
- org-remember-templates :: Make the Todo template look more consistent.
- org-return-follows-link :: This feels right to me.
- org-reverse-note-order :: Sometimes I want this, sometimes not....
- org-special-ctrl-a/e :: Useful.
- org-special-ctrl-k :: Useful.
- org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes :: Move quickly, and I don't need
     great precision anyway.  What I'd *really* like though is to have
     S-up move by this value and then have C-S-up move by 1.  Then I
     could zoom in on any time value quickly.
- org-todo-keywords :: Being able to define your own is great!
- org-todo-keyword-faces :: Sometimes these faces are forgotten (or
     ignored?) when I create a new frame on a different display.
- org-use-fast-todo-selection :: Very handy.
- org-publish-project-alist :: I don't use publishing very often.
- org-link-abbrev-alist :: Very handy!  I wish I could think of a way
     to execute something without confirmation though.  But perhaps
     that is too dangerous...

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