Hi, I'm aware of passing variables through header arguments, and also inserting another source code block using the noweb syntax. I was wondering, however, would it be possible to directly input values of properties inside source code blocks? For example, * Subtree:PROPERTIES::DUMMY: Value:END: #+BEGIN_SRC {{DUMMY}} <- something like this? #+END_SRC Thank you so much,Joon
- [O] Using property values in source code blocks Joon Ro
- Re: [O] Using property values in source code blocks Charles C. Berry
- Re: [O] Using property values in source code blo... Joon Ro
- Re: [O] Using property values in source code... Charles C. Berry
- Re: [O] Using property values in source ... Joon Ro
- Re: [O] Using property values in so... Charles C. Berry
- Re: [O] Using property values i... Joon Ro
- Re: [O] Using property valu... Joon Ro
- Re: [O] Using property valu... Joon Ro
- Re: [O] Using property valu... Charles C. Berry
- Re: [O] Using property valu... Joon Ro