Hello Nicolas,

2016-06-20 14:52 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr>:
> They have no influence over the link description (which is "1" in both
> cases, as you noticed). If you want to change the description, simply
> provide one:
>   [[test_fun][whatever]]

Sorry for not being able to express myself more clearly, since this is
the exact thing I was making a suggestion about in the first place.
The thing is, I have a lot of code blocks that define functions, which
are named exactly after that function.  And as I frequently want to
reference one of those in the text, I don't want to say

    [[test_fun][test_fun]] ..

everytime, since [[test_fun]] already contains all the information
needed to generate the link, and the description.  The description is
always the same as the link target.  That is why I would want to
change the way that the default link description is generated in the
case that none is provided.

I think that would make sense, given that the way the default
description is generated at the moment does not seem to provide any

> Regards,
> --
> Nicolas Goaziou

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