#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export
is the right incantation below.
On Tue, 24 May 2016, Charles C. Berry wrote:
On Tue, 24 May 2016, Ista Zahn wrote:
On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:17 AM, Andreas Kiermeier
<> wrote:
I second that.
I like exporting everything to LaTeX without having to re-run all the
which in many cases can add considerable time.
Which you can still do, I guess by
(setq org-babel-default-header-args
(cons '(:eval . "never-export")
(assq-delete-all :noweb org-babel-default-header-args)))
instead of the old way
(setq org-export-babel-evaluate nil)
I'm not saying this is good or right. IMO the old behavior of
org-export-babel-evaluate made sense and was useful; the new behavior
is surprising and I have a hard time seeing how it is useful. One can
argue (as Chuck has) that the new behavior is fine sense we have
another way of achieving the desired results; that may be, but I have
yet to see an explanation of why the new behavior is desirable.
The change was in this commit
commit ec615b192d703a0201ceefd46897e4636ff00a38
Author: Nicolas Goaziou <>
Date: Thu Apr 28 17:25:31 2016 +0200
and was in response to a bug noted in
IIRC, you need to read the thread - not just the first post - to get what
It this change is not going to be reversed than the doc string for
org-export-babel-evaluate needs to be updated, and something should go
in the NEWS file warning people (like me) who have been relying on the
old behavior.
Since the change was a bugfix, it seems unlikely that it will be reversed
unless another bugfix is proposed.
I could change the docstring, but I wanted to let the discussion ripen a bit
first to see if anyone stepped forward with a patch that would do just that.
Or even suggest that the variable be deleted entirely.
For those who are just now tuning in, something like
#+PROPERTY: :eval never-export
should give the behavior most users of o-e-b-e nil would desire.
Charles C. Berry Dept of Family Medicine & Public Health
cberry at ucsd edu UC San Diego / La Jolla, CA 92093-0901