1.) By testing org-mode release_8.3.4.zip from ( 
http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-mode.git/) without compile it in emacs an error is shown
when typing M-RET to add a new heading/item (see attached backtrace).
I am using the minimal configuration suggested in the manual.
 org-mode  :load-path "~/.emacs.d/user/site-lisp/org-mode"  :init  (load-file 
 init-org-minimal.el --- org-mode minimal configuration 
 Minimal setup to load latest 'org-mode';; activate debugging(setq 
debug-on-error t      debug-on-signal nil      debug-on-quit nil);; add latest 
org-mode to load path(add-to-list 'load-path 
"~/.emacs.d/user/site-lisp/org-mode/lisp")(add-to-list 'load-path 
"~/.emacs.d/user/site-lisp/org-mode/contrib/lisp" t);;(org-capture)
(provide 'init-org-minimal);;; init-org-minimal.el ends 
2) If I use the option reload Org uncompiled there is no problem when using 
M-RET but the following message appears:Successfully reloaded OrgOrg-mode 
version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ mixed installation! 
c:/emacs/emacs-25.1.50/share/emacs/25.1.50/lisp/org/ and 
3) Now I force emacs to search the new org-mode version by adding a org__ to 
the original installation. The following message appears:File error: Cannot 
open load file, No such file or directory, org-table

Questions: - How can isolate the new org version from the default installed?- 
How can I solve this issue? 

I appreciate your help,regards,

Attachment: backtrace.el
Description: Binary data

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