lad <> writes:

> I attempted to follow this blog to enable a background html export on
> org file save: 
> I tried adding the following to the top of the org file:
>   # -*- after-save-hook: org-html-export-to-html;
>   org-export-in-background: t; -*-
> by the way I also tried:
>   -*- after-save-hook: org-html-export-to-html;
>   org-export-in-background: t; -*-
> I even tried the following which I thought would work since I'm setting
> the optional ASYNC variable to true:
>   #-*- after-save-hook: (org-html-export-to-html t);
>   org-export-in-background: t; -*-
> For each test I tried I quit emacs and reopened to org file fresh. I was
> prompted to accept some security settings and chose "y" so the variable
> org-export-in-background is set correctly. The funny thing is when I go
> through (C-c C-e h o) the export goes to the background, otherwise when
> I save the file it happens in the foreground (which freezes emacs for
> some time). :(
> Running:
>   Org-mode version 8.3.4 (8.3.4-50-g83e373-elpa)
>   GNU Emacs
> I'm not sure if this is correct behavior? Thank you in advance for any
> insight or suggestions you may have.

I tried it and it works for me, so I suspect that
org-export-in-background is just not implemented in the stable release
(based on the maint branch of the git repo - the elpa releases come from
that branch), but *is* implemented in master (which is what I use).

If that is correct, your options are to wait until version 9.0 is
released, or to use the master branch of the git repo, with the
possible bugs/instabilities that that might entail.


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