Graham Smith <> wrote:

> > Check org-footnote-re and org-footnote-definition-re
> Thanks, but I would appreciate a bit more hand holding on this.
> I don't actually know how to "check" org-footnote-re and
> org-footnote-definition-re

  C-h v org-footnote-re <RET>


  M-x describe-variable <RET> org-footnote-re <RET>

These are the standard Emacs mechanisms for checking variables
(the Help section of the Emacs manual describes these and other similar
mechanisms, e.g. describing functions, keys, etc.)

But I suspect that you are going to run into a much harder wall
after you've done this. The description reads as follows:

org-footnote-re is a variable defined in 
Its value is 

Regular expression for matching footnotes.

so you'll need a fair amount of grounding in regular expressions
to even decipher this.

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