When one exports from org to, say, latex the resulting *.tex file includes a comment at the top indicating the time of creation. This is useful in part because it lets the user know that the *.tex file isn't the original source.
The same isn't true of tangled code from a source block, and I've been repeatedly bitten by editing a file of python code that was tangled from a source org file. I'd like to deal with this by making tangle emit a comment with information about the org-source file. The :prologue header argument is well suited to this; e.g., #+begin_src python :tangle /tmp/test.py :prologue (format "# Tangled from %s on %s" (buffer-file-name) (current-time-string)) print "Hello, world!" #+end_src produces what one would want. I'd like to make this header argument be applied automatically. The variable org-babel-default-header-args looks like just the ticket, but my lame efforts to write the necessary emacs-lisp aren't working: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'org-babel-default-header-args:python '((:prologue . (format "# Tangled from %s on %s" (buffer- file-name) (current-time-string))))) #+END_SRC What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help, -Ethan