Hello Nick, 
Thank you for fixing the <10> character-width problem with the 2nd column of 
the table in Org-mode problem, your solution worked. Now the table is much more 
legible, within Emacs' reduced window.
Unfortunately the ultimate pdf if still giving problems. The table is too wide 
and the text overflows well beyond the right page limit. Something's not 
working in the preamble. Let me post the whole thing here:
#+TITLE: MS#+AUTHOR:  Me#+DATE: April 2016#+STARTUP: nolatexpreview 
align#+OPTIONS: toc:nil#+LATEX_CLASS: article#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: 
#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment tabularx :width \textwidth :align lXl
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{esdiff}#+LATEX_HEADER: 
\usepackage{amssymb}#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{siunitx}#+LATEX_HEADER: 
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}#+LATEX_HEADER: \frenchspacing 
\allowdisplaybreaks#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fancyhdr}#+LATEX_HEADER: 
\pagestyle{fancy} % choose page-style#+LATEX_HEADER: \fancyhf{}  % erase and 
clean up#+LATEX_HEADER: \fancyhf[HLE,HRO]{\thepage} % H or F=Header or Footer, 
LCR=Left, Centre, Right#+LATEX_HEADER: \fancyhf[HC]{Materials Science: 10 
PS: Say I want to see what's "hidden" in the table due to the <10> (or <20>) 
character self-imposed limit, how can I do that via keyboard shortcut? Can it 
be done?
--------------------------------------------------------From: Nick Dokos 
<ndokos <at> gmail.com>Subject: Re: tabularx from org to latex not 
recognizedNewsgroups: gmane.emacs.orgmode

The <width> specification is on a row of its own, in the same columnthat it is 
supposed to control. Try the following:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---#+ATTR_LATEX: 
:environment tabularx :width \textwidth :align lXl| NAME   | CHARACTERISTICS    
  | EXAMPLES    ||--------+----------------------+-------------||        | <20> 
                |             || Metals | metallic bonding: adjacent atoms 
share electrons in a non-directional way; opaque, shiny,electrically 
conductive, they reflect photons, light rays from the Qenvironment | a metal 
pan |
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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