On 2016-04-29, at 20:10, Michael Welle <mwe012...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@mbork.pl> writes:
>> On 2016-04-29, at 11:21, Michael Welle <mwe012...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@mbork.pl> writes:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I'm seeking ideas/workflows for a situation where I work partly in
>>>> office and partly remotely.  I'd like to be able to generate a report
>>>> with information about both my work time and "office time".  I know that
>>>> you can't have two things clocked at the same time, so simply clocking
>>>> "office time" and (during this office time) clocking e.g. individual
>>>> tasks won't work.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>> I assume that you use a laptop or some other portable device? In that
>>> case you can grep the IP address (which might change when you change
>>> workplaces) and timestamps from the log files (or create a script that
>>> logs the IP address changes to an ORG file) and then somehow (coughcough)
>>> integrate that into your report. 
>> That's actually an interesting (and not standard) idea.  Even moreso
>> because I'm writing a RescueTime-like time-tracking tool for Emacs,
>> working (unlike Org's clocking) without manual intervention - recording
>> the state of computer (i.e., current idle time, active X window, active
>> Emacs buffer name and mode) at regular (or not) intervals and making
>> reports.  I did not include any network-related info, but this would be
>> easy to add.  Thanks, I'll definitely think about it!
> interesting.
> I used the IP address approach for some time to track the time I spent
> at customers sites. It worked quite well. The only trouble was if we
> went to the cafeteria and talked for an hour before I had a chance to
> start my laptop :).

Now that I think of it, I guess it might be better/easier to check the
network SSID.  Thanks for the idea!

> Regards
> hmw


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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