Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Thursday, 28 Apr 2016 at 09:18, Loris Bennett wrote:
>> gnuplot> plot '/tmp/org-plot1999bqI' using 3:xticlabel(1) with
>> gnuplot> histograms title 'H-index'
>> So no error here and also no org-plot files in /tmp.
> Does it split the line as you have it above?  In my case, the *gnuplot*
> buffer looks like this:
> gnuplot> set datafile separator "\t"
> gnuplot> plot '/tmp/org-plot10749hZi' using 3:xticlabel(1) with histograms 
> title 'H-index'
> gnuplot> 
> and the plot appears in a separate window.

No, doesn't split.  I must have been at the end of the last line when I
pasted, so when I hit 'return' the text got auto-filled.

Does the file in /tmp stay there until you close the Gnuplot window?



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