Ramon Diaz-Uriarte <rdia...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, 11-04-2016, at 13:56, Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> wrote:
>> Ramon Diaz-Uriarte <rdia...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> On Mon, 11-04-2016, at 10:12, Marcin Borkowski <mb...@mbork.pl> wrote:
>>>> On 2016-04-11, at 06:37, Adam Porter <a...@alphapapa.net> wrote:
>>>>> Eric Abrahamsen <eric <at> ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>>>>>> I had no idea Firefox did this...
>>>>> ...You're not the only one...
>>>> Me too, thanks for that tip!!!
>>> Add another one. :-)
>>> That said, though, I am finding the behavior of KeySnail's hok's very 
>>> flexible (follow the link, open multiple links in tabs, open link in a tab
>>> and switch to it, open in a tab but do not switch to it, open in a new
>>> window, copy the link, save [download] the link, etc).
>> Hok, the history search plugin, and the download manager plugin are all
> Eric, do you mean the dlbsnail and S3.dlbsnail? Or do you mean the
> "LinkDownloads"? The last one I've not been able to get to work (seems to
> do nothing).

I only installed the dlbsnail, and I think it works okay.

> In fact, after these couple of days of usage, I have tweaked the config so
> that most of my muscle memory with Conkeror does not need to be
> changed. But the download thing is still not great because when I try to
> save something I am eventually offered one of those dreaded pop-up
> file-explorer-like windows.
> In contrast, with Conkeror after typing a key (s) and the hint, in the
> bottom mini-buffer like I can use common Emacs keybindings to modify
> path, names, etc. 
> Am I am missing something?

Not so far as I know -- the open-file dialogue is probably the biggest
remaining annoyance for me, as well. I did like the Emacs-like
minibuffer thing that Conkeror had.

Apart from that, though, this setup is fairly Conkeror like. Just
faster, and with fewer mysterious silent crashes!

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