Hello Maybe I misunderstood the manual http://orgmode.org/manual/Extending-ODT-export.html and http://orgmode.org/manual/Configuring-a-document-converter.html#Configuring-a-document-converter
I can successfully convert a org file to odt, but sometimes I need it to be directly in doc format. So I thought I set org-odt-preferred-output-format to «doc». But then what? Shall I use org-odt-convert For example (org-odt-convert "~/tex/Proy-MTM-2016/LaTeX-org/cv-libre.odt" "doc") That did not work I also checked the variable org-odt-convert-process which was set to «Libreoffice», I changed that to «unoconv», but that did not help. Any suggestion? thanks Uwe Brauer