> Hi,
   > On 04/04/2016 03:46 PM, Uwe Brauer wrote:

   > I have been using recutils with orgmode for more than year - still
   > learning of course. So far, my experience has been fine. I am still
   > developing some sort of standard databases, e.g. one for contacts,
   > another for finance type of records, etc.

Do you have some example or a pointer or so. I don't know even how to

   > Have you checked out the two recutils mailing lists? Not very
   > active at the moment. I mentioned in those lists that perhaps some
   > sort of capture much like org-capture might be useful, but have
   > made no further effort in that regards.

   > I picked up a excellent pointers as to using recutils to create
   > org-mode tables from Jose Marchesi's and Eric Shulte's ob-rec.el
   > discussion on this list back in 2011. I ultimately export the tables
   > and related text to LaTeXpdf docs.

Could you provide me a link, please?

Uwe Brauer 

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