Hi, I need help on generating a latex export correctly for the case where a description list has to immediately follow a plain list.
Below is a MWE that demonstrates the problem and here is a screenshot of the generated PDF ( http://i.imgur.com/FEjN099.png ). Note how the Description list item looks under "Bad" section (generated using org) vs "Good" section (generated using latex code directly). ============================================================== * Bad - Plain list item - Description :: Description list became part of plain list here! ----- Above does not work because org exports it to \LaTeX as below. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE \section{Bad} \label{sec:orgheadline1} \begin{itemize} \item Plain list item \item[{Description}] Description list became part of plain list here! \end{itemize} #+END_EXAMPLE ----- Note that the description list item comes *before* =\end{itemize}=. *How do I tell org to end the =itemize= block at the last plain list item and begin =description= block before the first description list item?* -- OR -- *What should I write in org to generate the below?* ----- #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \section{Good} \label{sec:orgheadline2} \begin{itemize} \item Plain list item \end{itemize} \begin{description} \item[{Description}] This looks fine because I have moved the description list out of the plain list. \end{description} #+END_EXPORT ----- ============================================================== -- Kaushal Modi