Hi Giovanni,
On Jan 13, 2009, at 5:04 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:
Hi, everyone,
I have a problem with
1. formulas in table and
2. LaTeX export of tables
Org-mode version 6.17c
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
Win XP
-*- mode: org; -*-
* TBLFM: references and columns
I do not consider the "first" column with #
and I assume that "1st \n Temp" is the first column
| | 1st | | 3rd | 4th | | 6th |
| | Temp | Temp | EXPNS | $\alpha$ | $\alpha_{c}$ | Calcd EXPNS |
| | | (K) | | | x1e6 | x1e6 |
| / | < | | | > | < | > |
| ! | | T | | | c_a | c_expn |
| # | 20 | 293 | 0 | 4.78e-6 | 4.78 | 0 |
| # | | 294 | | | | |
| # | 27 | 300 | 34e-6 | 4.82e-6 | 4.82 | 34 |
| # | | 303 | | | | |
| # | | 313 | | | | |
| # | 47 | 320 | 131e-6 | 4.91e-6 | 4.91 | 131 |
| # | | 323 | | | | 146 |
| # | | 333 | | | | 195 |
| # | 67 | 340 | 230 | 4.99e-6 | 4.99 | 230 |
| $ | | T0=293 | | | | |
#+TBLFM: $2=$T-273.15;%.0f::$c_a=0.8651+2.3569e-2*
If I C-c on the TBLFM only the first formula is applied:
The other columns remain the same.
Perhaps the numbering is wrong and I should also consider
the column with #, but it worked with version org-6.15d
The special column does count as column 1 when it comes to column
numbers. This was always like this, no changes recently.
On the other hand if I C-c on the TBLFM of the following
table it /works/.
The formula is different in some ways:
1. columns are referred to with numbers and not names
Both should work.
2. T0 is substituted by its value (and not used as a parameter)
I tested it with using $T0 and it worked fine.
3. the numbering of columns considers the column with #s
as the first column
Yes, this you must do.
| | $2 | | | $5 | |
$7 |
| | Temp | Temp | EXPNS | $\alpha$ | $\alpha_{c}$ | Calcd
| | | (K) | | 4 | x1e6 |
x1e6 |
| / | < | | | > | < |
> |
| ! | | T | | | c_a |
c_expn |
| # | 20 | 293 | 0 | 4.78e-6 | 4.78 |
0 |
| # | | 294 | | |
| |
| # | 27 | 300 | 34e-6 | 4.82e-6 | 4.82 |
34 |
| # | | 303 | | |
| |
| # | | 313 | | |
| |
| # | 47 | 320 | 131e-6 | 4.91e-6 | 4.91 |
131 |
| # | | 323 | | |
| |
| # | | 333 | | |
| |
| # | 67 | 340 | 230 | 4.99e-6 | 4.99 |
230 |
| $ | | T0=293 | | |
| |
* LaTeX export of columns with #
The previous columns are exported to a LaTeX file with
the column with #s, whereas this column does not appear
in the HTML export.
I think this is a bug.
Yes, recently introduced when I was trying to fix the export of
special characters in table fields.
I think this is again working properly now.
- Carsten
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