
Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> I would be happy with simply documenting this limitation and documenting a
> solution, e.g. using enumitem one.  Enumitem is a wonderful package, but I
> see no reason to add it as a standard package because of this.
> Do any of you have a place in mind where we could add this to the manual?
> How about the "Plain lists in LaTeX export".  I propose the following
> change.  WDYT?  Can I commit/push?

> +@example
> +\usepackage{enumitem}
> +\renewlist{itemize}{itemize}{9}
> +\setlist[itemize]{label=$\circ$}

Shouldn't #+latex_header: be used? Or at least #+latex:.

Thank you for your work. It looks good, AFAIC.


Nicolas Goaziou

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