On 2016-03-02, at 22:20, Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> wrote:

>> Fair enough. Do you have a proposal for deeply nested headlines (or
>> items)?
> Use this header:
> #+options: h:0
> #+latex_header: \usepackage{enumitem}
> #+latex_header: \setlistdepth{9}
> #+latex_header: \setlist[enumerate]{label=(\arabic*)}
> I don’t think we need to do anything.  If we wanted to support this we’d
> probably need to load enumerate (which is not a bad package...).  We have
> worse offenders of manual config.  Local TOCs spring to mind.
> http://orgmode.org/org.html#fn-113

I've just seen this thread, and decided to chime in.  I think that the
situation is fine: such deep nesting of lists should be _actively
discouraged_ IMHO.

While list support in LaTeX is IMO suboptimal (to say the least), and
enumitem is a must for me in most of my documents, four levels of
nesting is even too many (by a factor of 2).  My opinion is that base
LaTeX should limit the nesting to two levels, and a special package
(like enumitem) should be needed to cater for those really strange
documents that need more.  (Yes, they do exist, but are very rare
I believe.)

> Rasmus


Marcin Borkowski
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University

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