Hello, Andreas Reuleaux <r...@a-rx.info> writes:
> I have been using Julien Danjou's org-contacts for a while now, > cf > > http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/ > org-contacts.el – manage contacts > Written by Julien Danjou. Link to raw file. > https://julien.danjou.info/projects/emacs-packages#org-contacts > > and happily so far, ie. I haven't changed my config. > > I would eg. type > > st+ in my To: field of a message, that I am composing > > To: st+ > > hit tab, and the contact address would be completed from my > (list of) org-contacts-files (find an address matching st...) > > When I do so (hit tab ie.) in my current environment: emacs (24.5.1) / org > (8.2.10, > the one that comes with emacs, as I understand), on debian testing ie., I get: > > org-make-tags-matcher: `org-make-tags-matcher' expects todo-only to be > scoped in > > I get the same error message, when I use a newer org version (8.3.3), > install the debian package org-mode ie. > > I did contact Julien about this issue, but he pointed me to the org mailing > list instead, as he isn't maintaining the code any more. > > Can anyone first: confirm my issue, and then: point me in the right > direction, please? It looks like a lexical binding problem. We switched "org.el" to lexical binding in development version. You may be having a mixed installation, somehow. Regards, -- Nicolas Goaziou