Thank you for the quick answer!

All right, deletion and recreation of the section is fine with me, as
long as the tags would be recreated as well.

Keeping the tags is actually crucial to my practice, since I run some
filters during export based on tags.

Couldn't the algorithm be adopted to check for tags assigned to the
org-footnote-section and then re-create them as well?

Including this feature would be tremendously helpful and shouldn't do
harm to anybody else.


On 2016-02-26 Fri 23:53, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:

> Hello,
> Martin Carlé <> writes:
>> the outline heading containing footnote definitions (as specified by
>> org-footnote-section) does not accept tags.
>> E.g. if you add a tag to this headline and then try to insert a footnote
>> via the org-footnote-action command, always a new headline without the
>> tag is created and the former footnote order gets spoiled.
>> I would be nice, if this could be fixed, such that org-footnote-section
>> can have tags (or even to-do keywords, drawers, etc.).
> You shouldn't put anything else than footnotes in the footnotes section.
> It can be erased without notice, e.g., when sorting footnotes, and all
> information inside, besides footnotes, will be lost.
> See it as a reserved (optional) headline. Maybe the manual should be
> more explicit about it.
> Regards,

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