Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Hello,
> Nick Dokos <> writes:
>> Giuseppe Lipari <> writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> I used to generate html code with a python script using org-babel, like 
>>> this:
>>> %------- ---------%
>>> * This is an example of export in HTML
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC python :exports results :results output :wrap HTML
>>> print "<ul> <li> first item</li>"
>>> print "<li> second item </li>"
>>> print "</ul>"
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> %------- ---------%
>>> This used to work just fine and produce a nice unordered list in
>>> html. Until the moment I updated to the
>>> current development version:
>>> Org-mode version 8.3.4 (release_8.3.4-588-g924431 @ 
>>> /home/lipari/elisp/org-mode/lisp/)
>>> Now, it produces the attached screenshot:
>>> snapshot
>>> Hence my question: what happened to ":wrap HTML" ?? Is there an equivalent 
>>> way to express the same
>>> behaviour as before?
>> I bet :wrap HTMP produces
>> ...
>> instead of
> So I guess the OP should write :wrap export HTML.
> We could also add the export part automatically, but that would limit
> the value of the parameter (e.g., impossible to do anything else than
> export blocks)

We need to allow special blocks.  But the question is whether we can
"guess" when something is a backend and do the right thing.  It’s probably
a "can of worms" to try to guess.


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