
I use from time to time in my latex files orgtbl-mode and
orgtbl-insert-radio-table (since org-time-stamp does not work in
orgtbl-mode I insert the stamps in a org file and then copy the content
into the radio table. However
the format
<2016-02-24 Wed>

Is not suited for LaTeX: < generates a ?

There are at least two solutions:

    -  use the format $<2016-02-24 Wed>$

    -  or «2016-02-24 Wed»

Now I used (customize-option (quote org-time-stamp-custom-formats))
and set it to ("«%m/%d/%y %a»" . "«%m/%d/%y %a %H:%M»")
but it had no effect so far.

Any comments?


Uwe Brauer 

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