On 2016-02-19 08:00, 童俊翔 <tongjunxi...@gmail.com> writes:

> I’m using melpa, and org is updated to the newest version
> but my org-version is still 8.2.10, as follows 
> Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @ 
> /Users/mac/.emacs.d/elpa/org-20160215/)
> How to solve this problem?

You probably have a mixed installation, which can happen if org-mode is
loaded when you install the elpa version.

What you can try is the following (please anyone correct me if I'm
giving incorrect instructions):
- uninstall orgmode from elpa
- restart emacs and do not load orgmode (which means do not execute any
org-related code)
- install the org-mode package

You then need to make sure that any org-related function in your init
file is called after `package-initialize'.

Hope this helps,


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