On Friday, 12 Feb 2016 at 09:57, David Belohrad wrote: [...]
> What is the way to make it working? It seems that includegraphics > generally does not like spaces inside unless one uses e.g. grffile, so > the problem could be resolved just by replacing %20 in the latex > output by an ordinary space and including \usepackage[space]{grffile}. > > any hint? Avoid tilting at windmills and change the naming convention to, say, .../2016-02-12/...? I know this is not the answer you were wanting but sometimes it's easier to make minor adjustments to a workflow than trying to bend other tools to the workflow. Spaces in file names cause all kinds of problems with many non-GUI tools unfortunately. -- : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.3-565-g4f499f