Michael Hohmuth <michael.hohm...@amd.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I recently started using Org extensively, and I'm a very happy user --
> except for one annoying problem:
> Every now and then, folding just stops working.  Pressing TAB or (my
> equivalent of) S-TAB still displays messages such as "OVERVIEW" in the
> mode line, but everything always gets expanded instead of folded.
> (The exception being my :PROPERTIES: drawers, which expand in
> OVERVIEW mode but close in the SHOW ALL and CONTENTS modes.)
> Even killing the buffer and reloading the file doesn't help.  I need
> to shut down and reboot Emacs in order to get back to normal.
> Could you please help me diagnose and fix the problem?  I'm using GNU
> Emacs 22.1.1 and Org-mode 6.13a.

I've seen the lack of folding issue when I use 'visible-mode' but I've
never seen the behaviour you describe for the :PROPERTIES: drawers.
Maybe some other mode is interfering with the folding?


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