
Sébastien Brisard <sebastien.bris...@m4x.org> writes:

> Oh really? It does work, though. I use this feature on my blog to link
> to bibrefs that are in another page. Links like
>  [[file:../pages/references.org::#TARI2008][Tariel et al., 2008]]
> get exported correctly. Only, the HTML target name is orgtargetXX.
> Which means that if I add a new bibliographic reference in the
> references.org file, I need to reexport the whole website, rather than
> the pages that have changed.
> But, if I understand correctly, I should not be using this kind of
> links anyway?

If you do, you're on your own. We cannot ensure this will always work.

> Yeah, I have explored a solution using custom IDs. They don't work
> with lists, though (I use description lists for my references). Then I
> need to define every new bib entry as a header. It's doable, and if
> you confirm that what I do at the moment should not be working at all,
> then I will switch to this option.

You could insert your own targets with #+HTML or @@html:...@@
directives, e.g.,

  #+HTML: <a id="myid"></a>

Another option is to implement `org-latex-prefer-user-labels' for HTML
back-end, if you want to.


Nicolas Goaziou

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