Hi Karl

> I tried to reference "the item one row up" via @@#-1$1 (and similar)
> and failed. Is there a way to accomplish this as well?

It fails because @@#-1$1 is only substituted with @1-1$1, @2-1$1 etc.
depending on the row it is evaluated on.

To be able to use an expression as the index for an indirection one
can select the element from a Calc vector or Lisp list. For a Calc
formula example please e. g. look for the Calc function subscr() in

Beware of the formula modifier E to keep empty fields counting for the

| 1 |     |   |
| 2 |   1 | 1 |
|   |   2 | 2 |
| 4 | nan | 4 |
#+TBLFM: $2 = subscr(@<$1..@>$1, @# - 1); E :: $3 = subscr(@<$1..@>$1, @# - 1)

| 1st |     |     |
| 2nd | 1st | 1st |
|     | 2nd | 2nd |
| 4th |     | 4th |
#+TBLFM: $2 = '(nth (- @# 2) '(@<$1..@>$1)); E :: $3 = '(nth (- @# 2)

>>> [1] 
>>> https://github.com/novoid/org-mode-workshop/blob/master/featureshow/org-mode-teaser.org#1131-referencing-example-with-detailed-explanation
>> Do you remember that some time ago I reminded you about a patch that I
>> had sent you privately to align your above URL with the change about how
>> to copy fields in the Org manual?
> A big sorry from my side: I did not process your email for too many
> months. Thanks for contributing to my tutorial!

Thank you for applying my patch for the section "column-based".

Attached is another patch for the section "row-based" which I somehow
missed in the first place.

The sentence "the identity statement prevents calc from interpreting
the content" that you added might be misleading because the formula is
now a Lisp formula '(func ...), with a mandatory function in its first
place and Calc is not involved.

Btw. I failed to find a Calc formula as capable as the Lisp formula to
copy content one to one. Some time ago I documented my trials into
this direction in test-org-table/copy-field in

diff --git a/featureshow/org-mode-teaser.org b/featureshow/org-mode-teaser.org
index 1d4305a..0d949ca 100644
--- a/featureshow/org-mode-teaser.org
+++ b/featureshow/org-mode-teaser.org
@@ -735,24 +735,24 @@ The formular can be simplified even more by using a 
column formula:
 #+NAME: comparison-table-horizontal
 |                  |  Joe | Alice |  Bob |  sum |
-| 2012 Income June |   10 |    24 |   17 |   51 |
+| Income June 2012 |   10 |    24 |   17 |   51 |
 | plus 20 percent  | 12.0 |  28.8 | 20.4 | 60.0 |
 | June 2013        |   11 |    31 |   21 |      |
 | Difference       | -1.0 |   2.2 |  0.6 |  1.8 |
-#+TBLFM: @>$>=vsum(@5$2..@5$4)::@1$2..@1$4=remote(Income2012h, 
@1$$#)::@2=remote(Income2012h, @3$$#)::@3$2..@3$4=1.2 * remote(Income2012h, 
+#+TBLFM: @>$>=vsum(@5$2..@5$4)::@1$2..@1$4='(identity remote(Income2012h, 
@1$$#))::@2='(identity remote(Income2012h, @3$$#))::@3$2..@3$4=1.2 * 
remote(Income2012h, @3$$#);%.1f::@5$2..@5$4=@4-@3;%.1f
 - all formulas explained in detail:
   - ~@>$>=vsum(@5$2..@5$4)~
     - value: ~1.8~
     - last column in last row (~@>$>~) is the vector-sum (~vsum~) of
       column two to four of fifth row (~@5$2..@5$4~)
-  - ~@1$2..@1$4=remote(Income2012h, @1$$#)~
+  - ~@1$2..@1$4='(identity remote(Income2012h, @1$$#))~
     - values: ~Joe | Alice |  Bob |  sum~
     - column two to four of first row (~@1$2..@1$4~) are copied from
       the corresponding fields of the first row (~@1$$#~) of table
     - see also 
 for field formulas
-  - ~@2=remote(Income2012h, @3$$#)~
+  - ~@2='(identity remote(Income2012h, @3$$#))~
     - values: ~2012 Income June |   10 |    24 |   17 |   51~
     - the second row (~@2~) is copied from the corresponding fields of
       the first row (~@1$$#~) of table "Income2012h"

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