Ok, so if I want to use this character '•' (a bullet mark) to trigger math 
expression, what should I write in my .emacs file regarding the `cdlatex-math-
symbol-prefix' variable? (Please help me out, I know nothing about how to write 
Since you mention this might be a bug with CDLaTeX, I'd like to add that 
pressing TAB after '-' (dash) in an itemize environment doesn't put '\item'. I 
believe it's an empty command.


>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: Charles C. Berry <ccbe...@ucsd.edu>
>Data: 24-gen-2016 5.57
>A: "Eric S Fraga"<e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk>
>Cc: "vendo.li...@libero.it"<vendo.li...@libero.it>, <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
>Ogg: Re: Wrong type argument: characterp, 134217782 (??)
>On Sat, 23 Jan 2016, Charles C. Berry wrote:
>> On Sat, 23 Jan 2016, Eric S Fraga wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 23 Jan 2016 at 14:36, vendo.li...@libero.it wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> Then I discovered that the backquote symbol was not
>>>> recognized. Everytime I press it, I get the 'Wrong type argument:
>>>> characterp, 134217782' message in the mini-buffer.
>>> Maybe try
>>>  M-x toggle-debug-on-error
>>> and see where that error is arising to see if that gives us a hint as to
>>> what may be wrong.  I am not sure if the cdlatex code you downloaded has
>>> been updated for later versions of emacs...
>> Funny, I get `apply: Wrong type argument: characterp, 134217785'
>> (not `134217782'), which is what M-9 is recognized as:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
>> (read-char) ; type C-c C-c y M-9 *here*
>> #+END_SRC
>> : 134217785
>> on my MacBook and that makes some sense as cdlatex.el uses `(read-char)' 
>> it is triggered by a back tic. And I guess that `read-char' is immune to 
>> keymapping for good reason.
>> For the record, this happens with
>> #+BEGIN_SRC elisp
>>  (define-key key-translation-map (kbd "M-9") (kbd "`"))
>> #+END_SRC
>> set in org-cdlatex-mode when the first back tic (or M-9) is followed by a M-
>> and it also happens for other key events that do not map to characters 
>> `C-S-s' after the back tic.
>> So the easiest fix is *don't do that*.
>> I suppose this counts as a bug in cdlatex, but it seems easy enough to 
>> around.
>Just to be clear on what such a workaround would amount to:
>With M-9 defined as above, customize `cdlatex-math-symbol-prefix' to any 
>of the unused symbols.
>Suppose it is ':'. Then in a buffer in which org-cdlatex-mode is 
>M-9 : : : : ...
>cycles thru the different levels until the user selects another 
>letter/symbol in the menu.

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