Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:

> I agged the org-mode git repo for ":export-block" and found these
> references:
> contrib/lisp/ox-gfm.el
> 54:  :export-block '("GFM" "GITHUB FLAVORED MARKDOWN")
> (Copied Lars for above)
> contrib/lisp/ox-freemind.el
> 46:  :export-block "FREEMIND"
> (Copied Jambunathan for above)
> (And copying you for groff and org.texi)
> contrib/lisp/ox-groff.el
> 95:  :export-block "GROFF"
> doc/org.texi
> 17971:@code{:export-block} (to specify what blocks should not be exported
> by this
> doc/org
> 16222:dispatcher), ‘:export-block’ (to specify what blocks should not be
> etc/ORG-NEWS
> 78:Moreover, ~:export-block~ keyword used in ~org-export-define-backend~
> These references need to be removed, right?

I removed all of them but the last one.

Thank you.


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