Does this new syntax support that oft (or occasionally?) requested LaTeX header 

I don't think so out of the box, because while LaTeX is a valid export word, 
LaTeX_preamble is not.

But, can the new syntax be used like this?

    #+BEGIN_EXPORT LaTeX :file preamble.tex
    % preamble commands go here



On 2015-12-20 at 16:06, Nicolas Goaziou <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just finalized the syntax change for export blocks. As a reminder, the
> new syntax is:
>   #+BEGIN_EXPORT backend
>   ...
> instead of
>   #+BEGIN_backend
>   ...
>   #+END_backend
> So, basically, "export" is a reserved block type, much like "src". As
> a consequence, INCLUDE keywords syntax is modified, e.g.,
>   #+INCLUDE: "" HTML
> becomes
>   #+INCLUDE: "" export html
> The following function, included in ORG-NEWS, updates any Org document
> to the new syntax. It is meant to be applied after applying the patch.
>   (defun org-repair-export-blocks ()
>     "Repair export blocks and INCLUDE keywords in current buffer."
>     (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
>       (let ((case-fold-search t)
>             (back-end-re (regexp-opt
>                           '("HTML" "ASCII" "LATEX" "ODT" "MARKDOWN" "MD" "ORG"
>                             "MAN" "BEAMER" "TEXINFO" "GROFF" "KOMA-LETTER")
>                           t)))
>         (org-with-wide-buffer
>          (goto-char (point-min))
>          (let ((block-re (concat "^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_" back-end-re)))
>            (save-excursion
>              (while (re-search-forward block-re nil t)
>                (let ((element (save-match-data (org-element-at-point))))
>                  (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'special-block)
>                    (save-excursion
>                      (goto-char (org-element-property :end element))
>                      (save-match-data (search-backward "_"))
>                      (forward-char)
>                      (insert "EXPORT")
>                      (delete-region (point) (line-end-position)))
>                    (replace-match "EXPORT \\1" nil nil nil 1))))))
>          (let ((include-re
>                 (format "^[ \t]*#\\+INCLUDE: .*?%s[ \t]*$" back-end-re)))
>            (while (re-search-forward include-re nil t)
>              (let ((element (save-match-data (org-element-at-point))))
>                (when (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'keyword)
>                           (string= (org-element-property :key element) 
>                  (replace-match "EXPORT \\1" nil nil nil 1)))))))))
> Regards,

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