
Thank you very much for your diff. I worked fine  and I learned a bit of
Me, as an ex-Fortran77 programmer, am suffering a lot with emacs lisp.

After o couple of hours trying to catch all timestamps outside SCHEDULE: and
DEADLINE: lines I gave up and ask for help

Originally we had

    (org2rem-scheduled-reminders (org2rem-list-reminders
    (org2rem-deadline-reminders (org2rem-list-reminders

I tried to catch all timestamps outside SCHEDULE: and DEADLINE:
using something like

          (concat  "\\(" org-deadline-string "\\|"
               org-scheduled-string  "\\)\\{0\\}")))

In te beginning I create

(defvar org2rem-pure-timestamps-remind-file

and at the end I add an extra line to export these reminds in a different
      (org2rem-write-file org2rem-scheduled-remind-file
      (org2rem-write-file org2rem-deadline-remind-file
      (org2rem-write-file org2rem-pure-timestamps-remind-file

I tried first to create a local variable

;;;     (org2rem-pure-timestamps-string
;;;           (concat  "\\(" org-deadline-string "\\|"
;;;                org-scheduled-string  "\\)\\{0\\}"))

;;;     (org2rem-pure-timestamps-reminders
;;;      (org2rem-list-reminders org2rem-pure-timestamps-string)
;;;      )

but it did not work either.

I am probably having

Any help for this stupid doubt?

Thank you


2009/1/9 Olaf Dietsche

> > Yes, I am.
> [...]
> > I am sending the last version of org2rem which integrates timed reminds
> from
> > DEADLINE: and SCHEDULE: lines
> [...]
> >
> > 2009/1/9 Carsten Dominik <domi...@science.uva.nl>
> >
> >> Is any action happening on this?  Is someone trying to fix org2rem?
> >> - Carsten
> I have no idea of remind.
> This is an untested patch, but you get the idea. Avoid global
> variables, if you can. If you use global variables, you have
> prerequisites and side effects, which complicate following the
> code. This is not lisp specific.
> Regards, Olaf
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